All Pricing Plans are subject to the following rules.
Please review them before committing to our journey together!
The coaching relationship is a partnership focused on developing a Client’s awareness, thinking, and communication in order to help the Client identify and achieve his or her goals.
Coachee takes responsibility for own insights and actions to be taken.
Coachee takes responsibility for coming prepared to the session (pre-work) and showing up on time. You are the one who owns the power. All the success that’s going to happen will be created by you, not by me as a Coach.
Cancellations: within 48 hrs, otherwise session is defaulted.
Three sessions can be scheduled per month, each in different weeks. If the Coachee skips one of those sessions, they cannot be recovered in the incoming month and are considered defaulted.
I only accept Coachees who are 100% committed!
I’m available between sessions over email. Expect my answers within max 48hrs through the working week.
In person and via emails, please phrase your questions with a series of possible scenarios that you have gone through, rather than simply asking open questions. I want you to show up, I want you to take action and be proactive, I want you to make use of your power in the most gorgeous way that you’re capable of... and then more.
This is my ideal Coachee:
Full of Energy
Fun to work with
With a grand mission
Aware of the tough work to reach own dreams, but determined nonetheless
Willing to become extraordinary, not just ok
Transforming insights into actions
High-functional, not dysfunctional
All this said… are you willing to start this up?